Tactile Graphics Solutions
American Thermoform offers a comprehensive tactile graphics solution for all educational environments that includes our two Theromoform machines EZ form and Maxi Form used for duplicating objects and braille at scale as well as our Zychem Swell Form Tactile Graphics Machine that quickly creates raised line tactile graphics. The combination of these two products along with our braille printers is a powerful solution that can easily add tactile graphics to any educational setting.
Swell Form Pro Machine
Price: $12,000To order with a shipping quote please call (800) 331-3676EZ-Form Brailon Duplicator
$3,999.99To order with a shipping quote please call (800) 331-3676Maxi-Form Brailon Duplicator
$4,699.99To order with a shipping quote please call (800) 331-3676