Swell Form Tactile Graphics

Tactile Graphics for Visually Impaired Learning


Try to describe a parallelogram to a person without sight, or what the shape of Italy is or the intersection of a Venn diagram, its HARD!
With swell form graphics it is easy to teach concepts like geometry, geography, business graphs and more through touch! Thousands of classrooms around the world are leveraging Swell Form and Swell Touch to enhance their students’ education.

Swell Touch Paper and Swell Form Machine Sale

The Swell Form Graphics Machine combined with Swell Touch paper offers a safe, fast and low cost method of creating stunning tactile maps, diagrams, text and graphics.

How it works:

Our specially formulated Swell Touch paper has the unique ability to swell up any black lines drawn upon it when it is exposed to a heat source.  Our Swell Touch machine is that heat source, however it has been engineered to deliver the right amount of heat and more importantly with even distribution which delivers sharp definition of the tactile images drawn.  Simply print any image that contains black elements or lines on the swell touch paper, then feed it through the Swell Form machine. You can optionally use our Swell Markers to draw freestyle on the Swell Touch paper. Once the Swell Paper is passed through the Swell Form machine all black elements will be raised by about 5-10 MM. Color elements will not be raised, but can aid teachers and low vision students.

This machine has revolutionized the process of creating tactile images to teach the visually impaired.

Thermoform Machine

ez form thermoform machine

American Thermoform’s Thermoform Machine is another valuable addition to any tactile learning program for sighted students as well as low vision and visually impaired students. Place an object on the bed of the machine, lay a sheet of Brailon paper over it and close the pressing mechanism. The proper amount of heat is applied and an accurate duplicate of the object(s) is instantly created. The end product is non-toxic and long lasting tactile teaching tool.

Brailon® Thermoform Paper is a plastic-like paper developed specifically for use with our Thermoform machines.  It is the most efficient, realistic and highest quality way to re-create graphics and tactile documents. Not only is it reliable and durable, but also it is an extremely inexpensive to create exact duplicates and diagrams.

Bailon Thermoform paper